Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Biggest Loser

Alright, I'm giving you all fair warning because I was spoiled as to the last new episode of Lost when I was perusing around some blogs a few weeks ago. So here's your fair warning - if you don't know who won and don't want to be spoiled, then I suggest you navigate away from this page right now.

I was sooooo happy that Ali won!! I was pulling for Kelly to win, but honestly I didn't think she had it in her. Though I was rather impressed that she ended up losing what she did. I absolutely adore this show, but was getting pretty convinced that a woman was never going to win because it's just darn near impossible given the way they have the show set up. But low and behold, Ali and Kelly kicked some major tail towards the end and gave me hope. Then Ali freakin' knocked the ball out of the park getting so skinny and buff! So yes, I'm happy that a woman finally won! And no, I absolutely won't apologize for it even if you try to label me with that dreaded feminist monicker. Rock on, ladies!!


Sisters said...

I am so happy Ali won.
What happened to Paul...didn't you think it was wierd how they never mentioned himm or showed him in the Final show?

Matt and Jolee said...

I can't even tell which girl that is that one! whoa!!