Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

I went to see this documentary on Sunday and felt compelled to write a little blurb about it. This is a documentary that Ben Stein ("Bueller? Bueller?") made about how scientists who espouse the belief of intelligent design or give any kind of credence to its possibility are being shunned in the academic world. The reviews for the documentary have been horrendous, but if you take the time to read them you see the typical liberal media bias. They hear intelligent design and immediately think creationism and shut off their brains and rant about how stupid of an idea it is. But they're all missing the point. Stein isn't arguing for the acceptance of intelligent design, he is simply exposing the hypocrisy of the scientific world for not accepting it as a possibility given the shortcomings of the evolutionist thought. What's brilliant about the film is how he lets the evolutionists talk and talk and eventually expose the stupidity of their thought on their own. He doesn't manipulate or do any fancy editing a la Michael Moore to make the film say what he wants it to. Funny how the media sure doesn't mind the utterly disgusting propaganda of Michael Moore since it's in tune with their beliefs. Michael Moore is not a documentary filmmaker. He's a propagandist. Give me any "documentary" he's ever made, and I can put together an equally compelling argument from the other viewpoint.

I'm sure you all assume correctly that I'm no evolutionist. Well, usually I say I'm no darwinist. I don't believe all life forms originated from primordial ooze. I think it's funny how atheists think the idea of creationism is completely absurd, yet it doesn't even enter their mind that we creationists think the idea of coming from mud is equally as absurd. They think we're all just a bunch of idiots who have no intelligence whatsoever. I'm digressing a bit because my point wasn't to talk about creationism v. evolution. My point was to expose you to the film and encourage you to go see it. I usually think the idea of encouraging fellow Christians to support a Christian movie just because it's Christian is stupid. Especially since most of those movies suck. But this is a well-made documentary made by a non-Christian (pretty certain Stein is just straight-up Jewish) that the media is bashing for no other reason than it's loose link to Christianity. I say shut those people up and go see the movie!

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed


Matt and Jolee said...

Are we related? I wish I could write like you do.

Anonymous said...

just saw Expelled; the fact that Ben Stein isn't trying to win any popularity contests helps to validate his message... i gather that his goal is to promote free thought, especially more thinking about the worldviews that drive American academia