Saturday, November 15, 2008

LA is on fire...again

Alright, this has been about the craziest fire season since I've been out here. Like I've said before, I live too far in the city to be affected. However, I know lots of people that live up in the Sylmar area, which is where one of the big ones is raging. I already know of several people that have been evacuated. The fire destroyed a mobile home park (yes, we have those in LA, too), and I'm hearing that June, an elderly woman at my church, lived there. Though I don't have confirmation on this because evidently 600 of the 700 mobile homes were destroyed, which obviously means there are some still standing. So I'd appreciate it if you could add June and the other evacuees and potential evacuees to your prayer list. I know they would appreciate it as well.

Update: Just got word that June did, in fact, lose her home. But she got out safely, so praise God!

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