Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Perfect Day

Today was what I would classify as a rare perfect day. It started out with a trip out-of-town to a new church I'd heard about where I encountered a body of believers that actually studied the word of God. I actually had to open my was amazing! I left refreshed and invigorated and with the hope that my exhaustive church search may finally be coming to an end. Church was followed by lunch at my favorite place, Chipotle, and then a stop at Wal-Mart, which is a rare occurrence for me because they're all so far away out in the 'burbs. But since I made the trek to the 'burbs for church, I figured I should take advantage of the opportunity to go to my favorite store. The only problem is I bought some pillows that I don't think I like now, so I'm going to have to make the trip back to return them at some point. After Wal-Mart, we made the drive back into LA and got stuck in Oscar traffic. Luckily, I wasn't in a hurry and it was the Oscars, so it didn't annoy me. Once home, I took a short little power nap and then watched all the Oscars extravaganza (woohoo for Marion Cotillard and the song from Once!). Afterwards, I did some research and found out some info on two local church plants the church we visited today is a part of. So next week's stop, the church plant in Hollywood. I listened to a sermon online and it seems promising. Keep your fingers crossed!

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