Friday, July 25, 2008

Greetings from the East Coast!

Our trip to Kiawah Island is winding down, and I thought I'd get in a quick blog from the opposite coast. My parents and I were invited to join my brother and his family for a week of fun in South Carolina. And since I have no job, I jumped at the chance. We've been lounging around in a really nice house on the island. The days have been spent going to the beach, visiting an aquarium, touring a battleship, and venturing around downtown Charleston. Charleston is my favorite city. It's so historical, and I'm a nerd so I eat it up. The houses are amazing. If I were a millionaire, I'd buy one in a heartbeat. I'm thinking I might have to pack my bags and move out here. I've noticed a ton of law offices - maybe they're hiring!

I went for a bike ride around the island tonight and saw an alligator and about collided with a huge male deer! It was dark. I heard some rustling and couldn't see, so I slowed down. Then all of a sudden this massive deer (with antlers mind you) darts across the bike path not more than 5 feet in front of me. My heart jumped out of my body! I got off the bike path and onto the road and sang loudly all the way home so as not to startle anymore large animals. My adrenaline is still pumping and it's almost 2 hours later! I keep saying I almost died, but I don't really think the collision would've killed me! Ah well, what a way to end a great week.

Oh, and Jolee - there's a new bridge going out to Mount Pleasant and it's the neatest one I've ever seen! There's a picture of it on Wikipedia under the Charleston entry. You should check it out.

I'll post pics later.


Sisters said...

Your trip sounds so fun! I saw cute pics of you on Jolee's page.

Matt and Jolee said...

I'm glad my sister is still alive! Yikes... I can just imagine you singing all the way home.