This week has been super-boring!!
On the plus side, my eyes may have actually recovered. At least, it's looking that way. I started wearing my contacts on Tuesday and three days later, still no sign of redness. The eyeballs are still white! And I got my new glasses which I think are super-cute. Maybe I'll add a picture later.
I've been obsessively listening to my Cabaret CD since Natasha Richardson died because I'm bizarre like that. She sings on the broadway CD in case you're wondering what the connection is. I mentioned on facebook that we shared a birthday and had sisters named Jolee/Joely, so I've been aware of her for quite awhile whereas others may not know her so much. Freak accidents like that are scary and always get my mind racing wondering what I'd do if something like that happened to one of my family members. Here's hoping I don't ever find out!
I've had a hard time getting up this week. It's still so dark when I wake up. It's just not right!! I shouldn't be up before the sun.
Alright, that's all I've got for now. I'll try to think of something more interesting to post next time.