Saturday, May 24, 2008

Please stop raining!!

Normally I love the rain, especially since we get so little of it out here. It started raining last night and has been raining off and on all day with a pretty steady rainfall coming down since about 9ish. The rain has already put a damper on the church picnic tomorrow. Even if it clears up now, it's still going to be a soggy mess. But most importantly, I absolutely cannot have it interfere with my plans for tomorrow evening. Once a year my beloved Cardinals come to town to play the Dodgers and I look forward to it all spring. This is that weekend. I almost got tickets for tonight's game, but thankfully I decided I wanted to go Saturday night instead. Now I'm just hoping it clears up early enough and the sun comes out and dries the stadium. It's already supposed to be cold tomorrow night, and I can't handle wet, too. It's going to be more similar to a fall football game in Fayetteville than a spring baseball game in Los Angeles. I don't even know if I have the proper attire to bundle up. I'm going to have to go digging through my stored stuff. Argh you rain! Please, please, please go away!

1 comment:

Matt and Jolee said...

yeah...yeah. I don't want to hear about your crappy weather. Just ask mom and dad! ha! For what it counts though, I do hope you got to go see your game and stayed dry. But I have no other "weather" sympathy for you :-)