Monday, May 19, 2008


Hello everyone. It's been a whole week since I blogged! What is going on here? As usual, I don't have much going on to report, but I thought I'd share some random thoughts.

It's officially time to break out the sunscreen. I hate the summer with a passion. When you have pasty white skin you come to loathe this time of year. I'm the girl walking around in pants and a jacket even when it's 100 degrees outside because I'd rather be temporarily uncomfortable than risk the wrath of the sun. I usually slather on SPF 50, but the kind I have is so greasy. Does anyone have any suggestions of a light sunscreen that's preferably an SPF 50?

How excited am I about the new 90210?! Seriously. I could not be more stoked about a new show. One of my all-time favorite shows, Lori Laughlin from Full House, and old recurring cast members? Come on! I'm in heaven. You can check out a preview here - 90210.

I'm currently preferring Facebook over MySpace. Mainly because I'm addicted to flair.

I cut my own hair Saturday night. It was a risky thing to do, but I was just so annoyed. I can't find anyone out here to cut it like I want. They always keep the back too long and the sides too thick. I usually wait so long to get it cut that I'm so shaggy that I think they get it short enough only to get home and realize they didn't. I think it's not hip to have the bottom so short or something. Maybe my wants are too conservative for their spiky blue/purple/pink/platinum hair sporting noggins. Anyway, it turned out surprisingly well.

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