Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Congratulations Mr. Obama

Can I just say how awesome it is to be a part of history?! Either way the election would've turned out, we have made giant strides in the notion of equality for all. While I was a supporter of McCain, I've always been a fan of Obama. I don't think the world is coming to an end. I don't think we're going to become a socialist country. Obama has the potential to be one of our greatest presidents, and I'm hoping he is. This country needs a change, and now we know that change is Barack Obama.

Mr. Obama, I didn't vote for you, but you're my president now and I will support you. You became a bit of a centrist in the general election. Here's hoping you govern that way. You're a smart man, and I think you realize that in no way did you get a mandate. Seven million does not an overwhelming victory make. Your speech was inspiring, and I'm on board. Here's to brighter days ahead! And more more Bush!!!

1 comment:

The Traxsons said...

I think no more Bush is the most important part! Although, I DID vote Obama :)