Sunday, November 16, 2008


Does anyone still watch this show? I feared it was going to lack the funny when Tina and Maya and Amy left, but it's been pretty darn funny this season. Mainly thanks to the election stuff and Kristen Wiig. She could read the phone book and I'd still die laughing. While there is rarely an episode that makes me laugh from start to finish, there have been some pretty hilarious sketches this season. Ones that make me not want to delete it off of my DVR so that I can watch it over and over and over again. Thankfully they've been posting them on the internet, so I'm going to share a few of the sketches that have made me laugh the hardest.

I really wanted to share my most favorite sketch first, but I think I'm going to build up to it. I've already posted the Amy Poehler rap, so you've had the chance to watch one of the sketches. Since it was most recent, I'll share with you the sketch that had me falling off the couch laughing in last night's episode. It's funny on its own, but it's extra funny if you know the back story on Beyonce's video. For some reason SNL doesn't have this sketch up, but I found it elsewhere.

Check it out...

Aww shucks! They've removed the video. I knew it was coming, but was hoping it would take longer. I hope you got to watch it because that's some hilarious stuff. I wonder why SNL hasn't put the clip up. I'm guessing either Beyonce or Justin won't give them permission. Who knows.

1 comment:

The Traxsons said...

I missed this last night, but saw this video earlier today. HILARIOUS! I loved JT's Weekend Update skit too. I've loved the episodes that he's hosted...he's pretty funny!