Monday, November 17, 2008

Peace Out TRL

I watched the final showing of TRL last night. I was reminded of how much I used to love watching that, and I got all sentimental. I watched that show practically everyday in college. But then I graduated and moved on, though I would check in from time to time if I knew Justin was going to be on. For me, TRL meant 'NSync and Britney Spears. It was all about pop music and that's the music I love.

I realize that I didn't know half the djs that had been on the show. When I watched it, it was Carson Daly and Hillarie Burton (so I smudged everyone else out in the picture). It was funny watching all of the old clips. I loved the final top 10 video countdown. It included pretty much everything I loved in college. A little 'NSync, a little Britney Spears, a little Christina Aguilera, with some Eminem and Blink 182 thrown in for good measure. Good times.

Farewell TRL! You were my American Bandstand, and I will remember you fondly.

Does this mean there's officially no more music on MTV?

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