Monday, October 27, 2008


My favorite treats to get on Halloween were chocolate (excluding tootsie rolls) and those peanut butter taffy things in the orange and black wax paper. I know, those are one of those candies that you either love or hate. I happen to fall in the love category.
I've searched high and low and haven't found my beloved peanut butter treats this year. And by high and low, I really mean Target and several grocery stores. I'm giving it one last shot by hitting up the drug stores. I haven't checked there yet. But my hopes are low. I believe this may just be a peanut butter taffy free Halloween. Sad.


Sisters said...

I saw some at Walmart yesterday!

Terri said...

If only I lived near a Wal-Mart!!!

Matt and Jolee said...

I forgot about those things, but I liked them too. Guess what the BX has now??? Jr. Mints (small box's and only a few bags, but I bought 5!) and Barney DVD's. I'm moving up in the world!!!!