Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I know what you're thinking. "Yay! Another political blog!! Keep 'em coming, Terri!"

The good news for you is that the election is almost over, which means my political blogs will taper off. And I'll be back to blogging only about frivolous things once more.

So here's the deal. I haven't watched the debate yet and I haven't read about it, so this post in no way reflects my views post-debate. But I want to rant a little, and I hope you'll humor me.

I'm a Hillary supporter. Still am. I still believe she's the best person for the job right now and that Americans made a colossal mistake by not nominating her. But obviously she's not running, and after she lost, I threw my support behind McCain...which means I'm about to be 0 for 3 in presidential elections unless something crazy happens. (And yes, that does mean I voted for Al Gore and John Kerry and I'm not ashamed to say it.)

But what I wanted to write about was how I've been screaming at my TV and the Internet over these last couple of weeks. Here's why...I'm a fiscal conservative. What does that mean? It means my Republicanness has overtaken my social Democraticness in these times of economic hardships.

I wish every American had to take some economics classes, so they could be informed in situations like this. I majored in economics, so it's hard-wired in my brain. Joe Schmo America doesn't understand economics, so he sees Obama saying he's going to cut taxes and he's like "hell yeah! There's the candidate that's going to help me out." But what he doesn't understand is that doesn't work. Sure he'll have a little bit more money at the end of the year that he'll either use to buy something he doesn't need (typical of the poor) or put in the bank (typical of the middle class). But he'll still be sitting there without a job because the small businesses and corporations are still in the hole and they're still laying people off left and right.

Then we have McCain who's telling us he's going to cut taxes for the small business and the corporations, and Joe Schmo America just hears that he's still going to have to pay the same amount thinking "the rich get richer." But what he doesn't understand is that when you cut the corporate tax rate, they don't put it in the bank or go out and buy a fancy new car...they create more jobs! Wait, what?! More jobs? Yes, more jobs! But what does this mean, you may be asking. It means that Joe Schmo America now has a job to actually earn income and become a contributing member of society. Sure he still has to pay taxes on it, but isn't it nice to have a steady job and be able to provide for your family?

This is why I've been screaming. Why can't people understand these things? Why can't politicians do a better job of explaining these things?

Oh, and FYI...Hillary and Bill would actually be classified as fiscal conservatives. George W. Bush...not so much. But that would require a little more explanation in regards to spending, and I'm not going to bore you with another lecture. You know what I like to say...look it up!

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