Thursday, October 30, 2008

Craig & Lauren

Today, I went to a taping of The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. I've wanted to go to a taping of his for awhile now, but just haven't gotten around to it. I find him incredibly funny and think he's the best late night guy there is. Though, in all honesty, I rarely watch his show because it's on so late. But I record it from time to time when someone is on that I want to see.

Actually, I don't watch any of the late night shows unless there's someone on I want to see. Usually what I do is check the TV guide on Sunday to see if there are any guests that I'm interested in seeing. For some reason, I didn't do that this week. But I remembered yesterday morning, so I checked out the remaining week's episodes. And I saw that Lauren Graham was going to be on Craig's show on Friday, so I set it to record. Then I realized that I wasn't doing anything, so I should see if I could get a ticket to see the taping. And low and behold, I did!

Now, to fully understand my excitement, I'm going to have to reveal a little something about me that only a few of my friends know. I keep it under wraps for whatever reason. So here's the deal, there are two little known actresses out there that I am borderline obsessed with. I call them girl crushes, but I say that in jest. I just think they're extremely talented...and that we should be best friends. One of those actresses is Lauren Graham. Most of you would know her from Gilmore Girls, though she's been in a lot of stuff. Lauren entered my radar back in high school when she was on a short-lived show called Townies. That show starred Molly Ringwald, but I remember thinking that the two sidekicks were much more talented and thought they deserved better shows. Those two sidekicks were Lauren and Jenna Elfman (of Dharma & Greg fame). Anyway, I kept up with Lauren after that. And let's just say, I've seen almost everything on her IMDb listing.

So today, I got to see Lauren Graham! And it was AWESOME!! And I don't know how to convey my excitement anymore than that. It's times like these that I walk around with a smile on my face thinking about how great it is to live in LA and how I get to do cool things like this. It just makes me happy.

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